
Smart Systems

The Smart Systems Hub in Dresden is driving the development of intelligent technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT). With a focus on smart systems for Industry 4.0, Dresden is creating a central platform that supports companies in the development of innovative IoT products.

The Saxon capital is not only home to established microelectronics companies and many software companies, but is also a pioneer in the field of 5G and 6G. As such, the Smart Systems Hub Dresden is working on the vision of a fully connected world. The aim is to accelerate innovations in the industrial environment and to implement leading IoT technologies. To this end, the hub provides access to reference solutions and technologies, creates spaces for cooperation between industry partners, start-ups and SMEs and develops concepts, prototypes, minimum viable products (MVPs) and viable IoT business models in methodically managed co-innovation processes. In addition, co-innovation formats for IoT solutions are offered in the form of the Digital Product Factory and the Thin[gk]athon. 

Faces behind the Hub


Michael Kaiser

Hub Manager

contact person

Michael Kaiser

Phone: +49 (0) 351 48 18 88 97



Smart Systems Hub Office

Antonstraße 25

01097 Dresden



The Dresden start-up Wandelbots has developed a TracePen with which industrial robots can be trained quickly and without IT knowledge. Expensive programming processes are thus no longer necessary. VW's Gläserne Manufaktur in Dresden and the start-up have entered into a cooperation partnership. The state of Saxony is supporting Wandelbots via the Smart Systems Hub Dresden.


Packwise is a Dresden-based technology start-up founded in 2017. It provides an innovative IIoT solution that enables customers in the chemical and food industries to generate transparency along the supply chain. The Packwise Smart Cap plug and play device records location, fill level and movement sensor data with high precision in real time. This data is then displayed on the Packwise Flow software platform.

Angebote des Hub


Customers – the challenge owners – use the Thin[gk]athon as a basis for making decisions with regard to their IoT concepts. The hub makes available software and tech experts and provides the development environment for this purpose. In a protected space, the development teams show how IoT solutions may look – in just four days. The most promising ideas are nurtured until they are ready for market.

Digital Product Factory

In the Digital Product Factory, a project team made up of experts and coaches works as an accelerator on customers’ ideas. The aim is to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) in just three months. The role of the Smart Systems Hub is to provide the necessary space, to support the process methodically and to involve the right partners and cross-industry experts.